Corporate Governance (CG) is a modern concept in business management where organizations refer to models, tools and techniques to safeguard and direct their businesses. This aims to maximize the value of the entity and increase the trust, credibility and enhance stakeholders’ benefits.
After several global financial crises, the business world has realized the importance of good CG and how current shortcomings in governance practices have led to excess financial and operational risks. To address this matter, regulators around the globe have started issuing enhanced rules and regulations that guide companies to implement an effective CG Framework.
Global CG legislators and professionals recognize that organizations worldwide are facing significant challenges in transforming the concept of CG from theory to practice.
Accordingly, organizations require a qualified position who could play a vital strategic and supportive role in implementing a practical and adequate CG framework and be able to manage the compliance risk through advanced tools and professional techniques.
The Certified Corporate Governance Officer (CCGO) is a professional global program unique in blending the academic knowledge with the practical techniques in CG considering leading practices and real life experiences. The program is not limited to regulations in specific countries, but rather structured to support the CCGO holders develop efficient customized CG solutions compliant with any country's CG regulations.
As a CCGO, you will be qualified global subject matter professional with the knowledge and know-how to design and implement effective corporate governance in all types of organizations around the world. In addition, you will be exposed to learn leading practices and global trends in dealing with corporate governance challenges. CCGO assists you to be a trustful advisor to Board of Directors and Senior Management.
The program consists of seven modules, delivered through 5 days sessions, total of 20 hours. To be certified the CCGO candidate will be subject to a multiple-choice assessment (case study test with a 50% passing degree).
Please go to the Event Calendar for the upcoming events.
For more information about the program modules please click here
- Heads of Compliance
- Risk Professionals
- Internal and External Auditors
- Legal Personnel
- Business Consultants
- Board Secretaries
- Personnel and commissioners of governance regulators such as Central Banks, Capital Markets Authorities, Audit Bureaus, Ministries and other related government entities
- Board members who need to add to their knowledge and understanding
- Senior Management needs a greater understanding of the role and practicing Corporate Governance requirements
- All other people who are keen to add to their expertise in this important subject to enhance their career path
- Understanding the wide vision of corporate governance global challenges and solutions
- Techniques to build an effective CG framework
- CG technical support and advisory framework to Board and Board Committees
- Assessing the Board effectiveness without falling in judgmental results
- Developing CG work programs and templates useful for your day to day business
- Capturing and monitoring dashboard for key CG topics, such as related parties transactions, conflict of interest, whistle blowing, investors relations, disclosures and transparency
- Leveraging practical tools and methodologies to implement effective CG
- Practical case studies
- Real life tools and CG work programs, dashboards and templates which you can use later
- Video recordings of major global subject matter experts in CG talking about key challenges of CG and their solutions
An in-house option is available for organizations enrolling a minimum of 5 people onto the course. Benefits include special discount granted by applying corporate rate.
Contact the CCGO management team for more information on in-house training.
It costs for each candidate USD 3,000 including CCGO handbook and accreditation fees.
Special discounted rates are offered to group enrollments.
On attending CCGO course you will be granted 25 CPE hours.